The period of examinations and selection methods are subject to change in the future. If you are considering applying for the KIMAP(Kobe University Interdisciplinary Master Program), please check our website regularly.
For the details of program’s aim and features and also for the timetable and course offerings for current students, please visit KIMAP joint website with the three Graduate Schools.
In-person Examination
Important Dates
Application Flow
Dec. 6, 2024- Dec. 13, 2024
In person Examination
Feb. 2, 2025
Notification of acceptance
Feb. 28, 2025
Date of enrollment
Apr. 1, 2025 / Oct. 1, 2025
Admission Process
Foreign Language Examination (100 points) Test Result for TOEIC, TOEFL or IELTS
Written Examination (200 points) Subjects: Economic Theory, Economic History or Statistic (select one subject before submitting) . Only the following items can be put on the desk and used during the examination: non-colored pencils, erasers, a pencil sharpener (not electronic), and a watch (with no other functionality). Applicants who select Statistics are also permitted to use a calculator (with functionality) lent by our graduate school. In each subject, your basic knowledge will be tested. The questions are given in English or Japanese. You must answer in English or Japanese. Once selected, the examination subject cannot be changed for any reason. Samples of past written examination can be found in the Admission page.
Oral Examination (100 points) In principle, the examination will be conducted in English, focusing on the content of the research plan and other documents related to the research theme of your choice. A part of the examination may be conducted in Japanese.
Entrance and Tuition Fees
The entrance and tuition fees are outlined below. If tuition fees change while enrolled at Kobe University, the applicant will be required to pay the revised fee.
Entrance Fee 282,000 JPY. Please pay the entrance fee during the admission procedure.
Tuition Fee 535,800 JPY/year, or 267,900/semester. Please pay the tuition fee after completing the prescribed procedures and after enrollment (the first term is due in April, the second term in October)
For more information, please check the Admission page.
Document Screening During the document screening process, applicant will be selected based on the submitted documents and an overall assessment. The results of the document screening will be posted on the Graduate School’s website at 2:00 p.m. on May 23, 2025(JST).
Online Oral Examination Applicant who pass the document screening will be individually notified by e-mail about the oral examiation schedule. The online oral examination is scheduled for June 4, 2025 (JST). If the applicant has not joined the online interview within minutes after the scheduled start time and has not notified us by e-mail or phone, he/she will be considered to have declined to take the entrance examination, regardless of any internet problems. In principle, the examination will be conducted in English, focusing on the content of the research plan and other documents related to the research theme of your choice. A part of the examination may be conduted in Japanese.
Entrance and Tuition Fees
The entrance and tuition fees are outlined below. If tuition fees change while enrolled at Kobe University, the applicant will be required to pay the revised fee.
Entrance Fee 282,000 JPY. Please pay the entrance fee during the admission procedure.
Tuition Fees 535,800 JPY/year, or 267,900/semester. Please pay the tuition fee after completing the prescribed procedures and after enrollment (the first term is due in April, the second term in October)
For more information, please check the Admission page.