Discussion Paper





No. 著者 論題
2504 Guo Huanhuan
Tomomi Miyazaki
“Estimating the International Spillover Effects of China’s Fiscal Policy: A Global VAR Analysis”
2503 二木美苗
「高等学校無償化に対する考察 - 高等学校就学支援金の所得制限は家計消費に影響したか」
“Consideration of Free High School Education Policy in Japan: Does the income caps for tuition-free programs affect household consumption?”
2502 Kazuhiro Takauchi
Tomomichi Mizuno
“Welfare-reducing optimal tariff in vertically related markets”
2501 豊澤 圭
王 軼華
衣笠 智子
安田 公治
衛藤 彬史
“Characteristics of Agriculture and Changes in Agricultural Land Policy in Korea”


No. 著者 論題
2404 Kazuhiro Takauchi
Hajime Sugeta
Tomomichi Mizuno
“Trade warfare revisited: Trade and industrial policies when exporting and non-exporting firms co-exist”
2403 Tetsugen Haruyama “A Schumpeterian Microfoundation of the Geometric Brownian Motion of Firm Size and Zipf’s Law”
2402 Gong Haojun “Minimum wages, spousal tax exemption, and the labor supply of married women in Japan”
2401 Kazuhiro Takauchi
Tomomichi Mizuno
Katsufumi Fukuda
“Strategic export decisions in international trade”


No. 著者 論題
2320 Minoru Watanabe “Capital income taxation, public capital and matching frictions in an overlapping generations model”
2319 Qing Hu
Tomomichi Mizuno
“Profitable gray market with asymmetric costs”
2318 Aika Monden
Shuhei Takezawa
Tomomichi Mizuno
“Cournot vs. Bertrand Competitions in a Vertical Relationship with Separate Downstream Markets”
2317 Aika Monden
Tomomichi Mizuno
“Unprofitable Common Ownership with Asymmetric Distribution Channels”
2316 Xie He
Shigeyuki Hamori
“Asymmetry in Higher Moment Spillovers: Evidence from Sustainable and Traditional Investments”
2315 Xie He
Shigeyuki Hamori
“The Higher the Better? Hedging and Investment Strategies in Cryptocurrency Markets: Insights from Higher Moment Spillovers”
2314 Kazuhiro Takauchi
Tomomichi Mizuno
”Consumer-hurting competition in an international upstream market”
2313 Minoru Watanabe “Robot tax, unemployment and endogenous fertility in an overlapping generations model”
2312 高橋 青天 “Was Japan’s “rapid economic recovery” after WWII miraculous?
: A theoretical explanation”
2311 池山 聖子
勇上 和史
“Impact of Minimum Wage Increase on Labor Market-From the Perspective of Employment Flows”
2310 Dung Anh Luong
Yoichi Matsubayashi
“Does immigration cause Japan prefectures’ economy to diverge? Evidence from Geographically Weighted Panel Regression”
2308 Yuya Aikawa
Tomoko Hashino
Keijiro Otsuka
“Agglomeration with the Declining Marshallian Agglomeration Economies: An inquiry into the postwar development of the Nada sake brewing district in Japan “
2307 Minoru Watanabe “Robot tax and endogenous fertility in an Overlapping Generations Model”
2306 Kohjiro Dohwa “The international transmission effects of tariff shocks: The role of various financial structures and local currency pricing”
2305 高橋 樹生
宮崎 智視
“Public Assistance Reforms and Consumption: Evidence from the Reforms in 2013 in Japan”
2304 岩本 陽太
宮崎 智視
“The Effects of Experience in Adolescent Period on Health and Income and Its Path: Evidence from the Japan General Social Surveys”
2303 小塚 匡文 「地域金融機関の出店行動について:全国市区町村別のデータによる実証研究」
“On the Branches Opening by Regional Financial Institution: Empirical Analysis with Data of Municipalities across the Country”
2302 Minoru Watanabe “Capital income taxation and trade unions in an endogenous fertility model”
2301 Qing Hu
Dan Li
Tomomichi Mizuno
“Endogenous choice of price or quantity contract with upstream advertising”


No. 著者 論題
2216 Kazuhiro Takauchi
Tomomichi Mizuno
“Strategic exporting in an international oligopoly”
2215 Tomoko AIZAWA-Tanemura
Shin-Ichi Nishiyama
“The Effects of Firm and Bank Balance Sheet Conditions to Net Interest Margins: Evidence from Loan-level Firm Survey Data”
2214 Kazuhiro Takauchi
Tomomichi Mizuno
“Optimal tariffs for the co-existence of exporting and non-exporting firms”
2213 橋野 知子 「家内工業は何をしていたか-1910年代後半福井織物産地における構造変化の一断面」
“What did cottage industry do? : One aspect of structural changes in Fukui weaving district in the late 1910s”
2212 Ryo Kato
Junior Maih
Shin-Ichi Nishiyama
“Trend Inflation in the Japanese pre-2000s: A Markov-Switching DSGE Estimation”
2211 竹口 隼人
鈴木 純
“Economic Thought of Social Reform: A. Toynbee’s Theory of Cooperatives”
2210 Kohjiro Dohwa “The role of local currency pricing in the international transmission effects of a government spending shock in an economy with vertical production linkage and foreign direct investment”

“Online Appendices”
2209 Minoru Watanabe “Capital income taxation and public debt in an endogenous fertility model”
2208 Tomomichi Mizuno
Kazuhiro Takauchi
“Bertrand competition in vertically related markets”
2207 山田 誠治 「市町村産業連関表の作成と応用~茨城県水戸市のケース」
“Construction and Application of Regional Input-Output Table: The Case of Mito City in Ibaraki Prefecture”
2206 Tomomi Miyazaki
Haruo Kondoh
“Effects of Monetary and Fiscal Policy Interactions on Regional Employment: Evidence from Japan”
2205 Chihiro Inaba
Noritsugu Nakanishi
“Effects of Globalization on Educational Choice and Unemployment under Search Friction”
2204 Tomoko Hashino
Keijiro Otsuka
“Selective Technology Choice, Adaptations, and Industrial Development: Lessons from Japanese Historical Experience”
2203 David Wolf
Kenji Takeuchi
“Who Gives a Dam? Capitalization of Flood Protection in Fukuoka, Japan”
2202 Qing Hu
Tomomichi Mizuno
“Capacity choice with upstream investment”
2201 Shingo Takahashi
Ana Maria Takahashi
“Does economic self-interest determine public attitudes toward immigrants? An econometric case study in Japan”


No. 著者 論題
2128 Minoru Watanabe “Tax reform, unemployment, and fertility”
2127 Harutaka Takahashi “Toward a Theory of the Labor Share’s Fall: A Dynamic Model of the ‘Superstar’ Firm”
2126 Minoru Watanabe “A note on capital income taxation with involuntary unemployment”
2125 Tetsugen Haruyama “A Schumpeterian Exploration of Gini and Top/Bottom Income Shares”
2124 Tomoko Hashino
Keijiro Otsuka
“Selective Technology Choice, Adaptations, and Industrial Development: Lessons from Japanese Historical Experience”
2123 小塚 匡文 「超低金利下におけるわが国地域銀行の預貸率について:パネルデータによる分析」
“On the Deposit-Lending Rate of Japanese Regional Banks Under the Ultra-low Interest Rate Environment: Empirical Analysis with Panel Data”
2122 Tomoko Hashino “From Lyon to Kyoto: Modernization of a Traditional Silk-Weaving District in Japan, 1887–1929”
2121 松林 洋一
萩原 泰治
“Dynamics of Expected Profitability by Prefecture: Measurement of marginal q based on the Basic Survey of Business Activity”
2120 Kwame Adjei-Mantey
Kenji Takeuchi
Peter Quartey
“Impact of LPG promotion program in Ghana: The role of distance to refill”
2119 Hirotaka Kumamaru
Kenji Takeuchi
“The Recycled Content of Plastic Products: Estimating the Impact of Japan’s Container and Packaging Recycling Law”
2118 Akio Kawasaki
Tomomichi Mizuno
Kazuhiro Takauchi
 “Downstream new product development and upstream process innovation” 
2117 松尾 隆策 「 採択までの歴史から見た地方創生SDGsの政策的意義-道の駅を拠点とした地方創生SDGsへ-」
“Policy Significance of Regional Development SDGs from the Perspective of the History of their Adoption: Toward Regional Development SDGs Based on Roadside Stations in Japan”
2116 Satoshi Hoshino
Daisuke Ida
“Stock prices and monetary policy in Japan: An analysis of a Bayesian DSGE model”
2115 Minae Niki “Does instruction time improve student achievement and motivation? Evidence from Japan”
2114 Huihui Li
Minae Niki
“Child Allowance Policy and Household Consumption Behavior in Japan”
2113 池山 聖子
勇上 和史
“The Impact of Minimum Wage Increase on the Labor Market- An Empirical Analysis Using Variations among Economic Zones and Industries in the Prefecture”
2112 Tetsugen Haruyama “International Kuznets Curve (?): A Schumpeterian Model of the World Economy”
2111 衣笠 智子
豊澤 圭
藤岡 秀英
山岡 淳
田村 穂
“Determinants of health of habitats in Yamanouchi Area, Himeji, Hyogo”
2110 Tomomi Miyazaki
Masayuki Tamaoka
Ayu Tomita
Keigo Kameda
Akihiro Kawase
Katsuyoshi Nakazawa
Hiroyuki Ono
Naoko Yokoyama
“Topics in Tax Policy: Evidence from an Internet Survey in Japan”
2109 Kohei Hasui
Teruyoshi Kobayashi
Tomohiro Sugo
“Optimal irreversible monetary policy”
2108 Keijiro Otsuka “Strategy for Transforming Indonesian Agriculture”
2107 掘井 誠史 「18 世紀後半ザクセン繊維産業へ懸賞課題の実施がもたらした成果」
“The Achievements of Implementing the Prize Competitions for the Saxon Textile Industry during the Late Half of 18th Century”
2106 Kentaro Iwatsubo
Clinton Watkins
“The Changing Role of Foreign Investors in Tokyo Stock Price Formation”
2105 Ling Chu
Kenji Takeuchi
“The Non-operating Solar Projects: Examining the Impact of the Feed-in Tariff Amendment in Japan”
2104 Jinsong Li
Kenji Takeuchi
“Import Ban and Clean Air: Estimating the Effect of China’s Waste Import Ban on the Ozone Pollution”
2103 Ken-ichi Hashimoto
Ryonghun Im
Takuma Kunieda
Akihisa Shibata
“Financial Destabilization”
2102 Keijiro Otsuka “Changing Relationship between Farm Size and Productivity
and Its Implications for Philippine Agriculture”
2101 Masakazu Emoto
Tamotsu Nakamura
“Intertemporal elasticity of substitution and the transitional dynamics and
steady state of wealth distribution”


No. 著者 論題
2023 Huihui LI “Time Allocation  to Housework and Childcare in Japan”
2022 Akio Kawasaki
Tomomichi Mizuno
Kazuhiro Takauchi
“Downstream new product development and upstream process innovation”
2021 宮 昊君 「配偶者控除制度、最低賃金と既婚パート女性の労働供給」
“Spousal tax deduction, Minimum wages and Labor supply of married women in part-time”
2020 Ryusaku Matsuo “Economic Effects of Roadside Stations on Regional Economies: Using Input-Output Analysis for Three Economic Zones and Municipalities in Hyogo Prefecture”
2019 Keijiro Otsuka “Strategy for Cluster-Based Industrial Development in Developing Countries”
2018 Ryusaku Matsuo
Mitoshi Yamaguchi
“An Econometric Analysis of PFI Roadside Stations in Japan”
2017 Kazuhiro Takauchi
Tomomichi Mizuno
“Consumer-benefiting transport cost: The role of product innovation in a vertical structure”
2016 Ryusaku Matsuo
Mitoshi Yamaguchi
“An Econometric Analysis of Roadside Stations in Japan that were given New Type Grants”   
2015 Jie Yang
Yijing Huang
Kenji Takeuchi
“Does Drought Increase Carbon Emissions? Evidence from Southwestern China”
2014 Md. Shahidul Islam
Shin-Ichi Nishiyama
“The Determinants of Net Interest Margins of Commercial Banks: Panel Evidence from China, India and Japan”
2013 Ken-ichi Hashimoto
Ryonghun Im
Takuma Kunieda
Akihisa Shibata
“Asset Bubbles, Unemployment, and Financial Market Frictions”
2012 Kaz Miyagiwa
Yunyun Wan
“Illegal immigrants, crime, and sanctuary cities”
2011 Shugo Yamamoto “Global Liquidity, Offshore Bond Issuance and Shadow Banking in China”
2010 Yunyun Wan “Multinationals, technology transfers and spillovers”
2009 Shinya Fukui “Business Cycle Spatial Synchronization: Measuring a Synchronization Parameter”
2008 Shinya Fukui “Firm Agglomeration in Knowledge Intensive Business Service Sectors”
2007 Harutaka Takahashi “A dynamic theory of the Feldstein-Horioka puzzle and financial frictions: Re-estimation of the saving retention coefficient”
2006 衣笠 智子
衛藤 彬史
安田 公治
“Verification of the Effects of Yabu City’s National Strategic Special Zone”
2005 北村 友宏 「上下水道事業における多様化の経済性」
“Diversification Economies in Water and Sewerage Industry”
2004 Tomomi Miyazaki
Masayuki Tamaoka
Ayu Tomita
Keigo Kameda
Akihiro Kawase
Katsuyoshi Nakazawa
Hiroyuki Ono
Naoko Yokoyama
“Tax Morale and Tax Resistance: Evidence from a Representative Japanese Population Survey”
2003 小塚 匡文 「静岡県における地域金融機関の出店状況:県内市町別のデータによる実証研究」
“Bank Branching of Regional Financial Institutions in Shizuoka Prefecture: Empirical Analysis with Municipality Date”
2002 Shinya Fukui “The effect of deregulation of the ‘Act concerning the Industry Restriction'”
2001 Fujio Takata “The Appearance of Indeterminacy Paths-An Economy with the Balanced Budget Rule and without Depreciation”


No. 著者 論題
1914 Ana Maria Takahashi
Shingo Takahashi
Atsuko Ueda
“Gender Promotion Gap in Japanese Academia in 2004-2013: Has It Changed Over Time?”
1913 Rui Wang “Monopolistic Competition and Nominal Stickiness in Generalized New Keynesian Model”
1912 Yukio Fukumoto
Tomoko Kinugasa
“How different are demographic impacts on trade openness by geographic region?: Findings from Europe, Asia, America, and Africa”
1911 Kazuhiro Takauchi
Tomomichi Mizuno
“Consumer-benefiting transport cost: The role of product innovation in a vertical structure”
1910 Kazuhiro Takauchi
Tomomichi Mizuno
“Is competition in the transport industry bad? A welfare
analysis of R&D with inter-regional transportation” 
1909 Bernd Hayo
Kentaro Iwatsubo
“Who Is Successful in Foreign Exchange Margin Trading?
New Survey Evidence from Japan”
1908 Hiroko Okajima
Shigeharu Okajima
Kenji Takeuchi
“Corporate responses to public pressures and price increases:
Evidence from Japan’s electricity crisis”
1907 松尾 隆策
山口 三十四
衣笠 智子
“Econometric analysis for the demand and supply of Japanese orange: the rise and fall of Japanese orange”
1906 Kohei Hasui
Teruyoshi Kobayashi
Tomohiro Sugo
“Irreversible monetary policy at the zero lower bound”
1905 藤原 秀夫 「信用及び貨幣の創造を持つ単純なマクロ金融モデルと金融政策の有効性-量的緩和政策と超過準備預金金利引下政策の有効性-」
“The Simple Macro Monetary Models with the Creation of Credit and money and the effectives of Monetary Policy -The Policy Effectives of the Quantity Easing and Decreasing Interest Rate on Excess Reserves-“
1904 Fujio Takata “An Inquiry into the Same-Movement Pattern in Two Cases of Labor Supply”
1903 Taro Ikeda “A Consideration for the Euler Equation in Macroeconomics”
1902 池田 太郎 「動学的マクロ経済学におけるオイラー方程式に関する考察」
“A Consideration for the Euler Equation in Macroeconomics”
1901 中川 雅嗣 「野菜作における全要素生産性とその収束」
“Total factors in productivity of the vegetables product and convergence”


No. 著者 論題
1830 Kentaro Iwatsubo
Clinton Watkins
“Who Influences the Fundamental Value of Commodity Futures in Japan?”
1829 萩原 泰治
堀江 進也
佐藤 純恵
“An analysis on the impact of the city name change from Sasayama to Tanba Sasayama through the city name based brand products”
1828 Yimeng Du
Kenji Takeuchi
“Does a Small Difference Make a Difference? Impact of Feed-in Tariff on Renewable Power Generation in China”
1827 Ryusaku Matsuo
Mitoshi Yamaguchi
“Economic and Social Development by Roadside Stations of Hokuto City”
1826 春山 鉄源 「逐次的テークオフにより広がる経済間の所得格差」
“Increasing Income Inequality Resulting from Sequential Take-offs”
1825 Tomohiro Kitamura “Long-run Impact of Track Improvements on Railroad Productivity”
1824 二木 美苗 「Shadow education は投資か消費かー『全国消費実態調査』匿名個票データを用いた実証分析ー」
“Is the shadow education investment or consumption? Evidence from Japan”
1823 西岡 暁廣
宮垣 元
鈴木 純
“The Growth of Nonprofits and Their Social Networks: Empirical Analysis of the HYOGO NPO Survey Data”
1822 Shoichi Sasaki “Labor Market Inequality and Marital Segregation in East Asia”
1821 Takao Fujii
Yoichi Matsubayashi
“Wage Discrepancy Between Tradable and Non-Tradable Sectors and Real Exchange Rates in Japan: Empirical Evidence with Panel Threshold Model”
1820 Mai Miyamoto
Kenji Takeuchi
“Climate Agreement and Technology Diffusion: Impact of the Kyoto Protocol on International Patent Applications for Renewable Energy Technologies”
1819 Mai Miyamoto
Kenji Takeuchi
“Explaining Trade Flows in Renewable Energy Products: The Role of Technological Development”
1818 Yuichi Ishimura
Kenji Takeuchi
“Where Did Our NIMBY Go? The Spatial Concentration of Waste Landfill Sites in Japan”
1817 Kaori Tembata
Kenji Takeuchi
“Floods and Exports: An Empirical Study on Natural Disaster Shocks in Southeast Asia”
1816 Yusuke Oshima
Yoichi Matsubayashi
“Monetary Policy Communication of the Bank of Japan: Computational Text Analysis”
1815 Kevin Luo
Tomoko Kinugasa
“Counterintuitive facts regarding household saving in China: the saving glut”
1814 江阪 太郎
藤井 隆雄 
「ハードペッグが財政規律に与える影響 : Synthetic Control Methods によるケーススタディ」
“The Effects of Hard Pegs on Fiscal Discipline: Comparative Case Study Using Synthetic Control Methods”
1813 江阪 太郎
藤井 隆雄 
「固定相場制の財政規律への因果効果 : Synthetic Control Methods による実証分析」
“The Casual Effects of Pegged Exchange Rate Regimes on Fiscal Discipline: An Empirical Analysis using Synthetic Control Methods”
1812 Satoshi Tezuka
Yoichi Matsubayashi 
“Credit Spread, Financial Market and Real Activities under Financial Instability: Empirical Evidence with MS-SBVAR”
1811 Harsha Aturupane
Tomokazu Nomura
Mari Shojo
“Family Background, School Choice, and Students’ Academic Performance: Evidence from Sri Lanka”
1810 Taro Ikeda “An introduction of a simple monetary policy with savings taxation in the overlapping generations model”
1809 Teruyoshi Kobayashi
Anna Sapienza
Emilio Ferrara
“Extracting the multi-timescale activity patterns of online financial markets”
1808 Yimeng Du
Kenji Takeuchi
“Can climate mitigation help the poor? Measuring impacts of the CDM in rural China”
1807 呉 青姫
Qingji Wu
“Community Insurance System and Village Financial Expenditures in Rural China”
1806 Fujio Takata “The Conditions for Indeterminacy in Two Types of Balanced Budget Rules − Reconsidered”
1805 Tomomichi Mizuno
Kazuhiro Takauchi 
“Optimal export policy with upstream price competition”
1804 Kevin Luo
Tomoko Kinugasa
“Do natural disasters influence long-term saving?: Assessing the impact of the 2008 Sichuan earthquake on household saving rates using synthetic control”
1803 松浦 光吉 「中東欧と『外資依存経済』」
“CEE Countries and ‘Foreign Capital Dependent Economy'”
1802 Shigeyuki Hamori
Minami Kawai
Takahiro Kume
Yuji Murakami
Chikara Watanabe
“Ensemble Learning or Deep Learning? Application to Default Risk Analysis”
1801 Kevin Luo
Tomoko Kinugasa
Kai Kajitani
“Dynamic efficiency in world economy”


No. 著者 論題
1724 池田 太郎 「貯蓄税によるシンプルな金融政策の重複世代モデルへの導入」
“An introduction of a simple monetary policy by saving taxations in the overlapping generations model”
1723 Md. Shahidul Islam
Shin-Ichi Nishiyama
“Is this adverse selection or something else to determine the non-performing loans? Dynamic panel evidence from South Asian countries”
1722 Kentaro Iwatsubo
Clinton Watkins
Tao Xu
“Intraday Seasonality in Efficiency, Liquidity, Volatility and Volume: Platinum and Gold Futures in Tokyo and New York”
1721 Katsuyuki Tanaka
Takuo Higashide
Takuji Kinkyo
Shigeyuki Hamori 
“Forecasting the Vulnerability of Industrial Economic Activities: Predicting the Bankruptcy of Companies”
1720 Katsuyuki Tanaka
Takuji Kinkyo
Shigeyuki Hamori
“Financial Hazard Map: Financial Vulnerability Predicted by a Random Forests Classification Model”
1719 Fabio Caccioli
Paolo Barucca
Teruyoshi Kobayashi
“Network models of financial systemic risk: A review”
1718 Teng Ma
Kenji Takeuchi
“Cleaning up the air for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games: Empirical study on China’s thermal power sector”
1717 Teruyoshi Kobayashi 
Taro Takaguchi
“Significant ties: Identifying relationship lending in temporal interbank networks”
1716 Tomomi Miyazaki
Kazuki Onji
“The Sustainability of Japan’s Government Debt: A Review”
1715 Kentaro Iwatsubo
Clinton Watkins
Tao Xu
“Intraday Seasonality in Efficiency, Liquidity, Volatility and Volume: Platinum and Gold Futures in Tokyo and New York”
1714 加藤 政仁 「アナリストカバレッジと株式発行コスト」
“Analyst Coverage and Equity Financing Cost”
1713 芦谷 政浩 「門別競馬における裁定機会の出現頻度」
“The Frequency of Arbitrage Opportunities in Mombetsu City Horse Racing”
1712 Kazuki Kumashiro
Eiichi Miyagawa
“Economic Analysis of Psychological Reactance”
1711 Teruyoshi Kobayashi
Taro Takaguchi
“Understanding the fundamental dynamics of interbank networks”
1710 Shinya Horie “Procurement Auctions with Uncertainty in Corruption”
1709 Tatsuki Okamoto
Yoichi Matsubayashi
“Empirical Evidence from a Japanese Lending Survey within the TVP-VAR Framework: Does the Credit Channel Matter for Monetary Policy?”
1708 Takuya Matsuyama
Tomomi Miyazaki
“The Effects of Immigration on Social Expenditure in Host Countries”
1707 Kazuhiro Takauchi
Tomomichi Mizuno
“Solving a hold-up problem may harm all  firms: downstream R&D and transport-price contracts”
1706 Shota Kai
Yoichi Matsubayashi
“Dynamic Impact of Credit Risk on the Real Economy in European Countries”
1705 Shoichi Sasaki “Empirical analysis of the effects of increasing wage inequalities on marriage behaviors in Japan”
1704 Sawako Maruyama  “The EU accession revisited: Why did Sweden join the EU in 1995?”
1703 山岡 順太郎
藤岡 秀英
勇上 和史
鈴木 純
足立 泰美
“Mental Health of Small and Medium Enterprise Workers: An Empirical Analysis using Medical Claims Data from Japan Health Insurance Association”
1702 Fujio Takata “Two Steady States and Two Movement Patterns under the Balanced Budget Rule- An Economy with Divisible Labor”
1701 Toyoki Matsue “Labor Market Institutions and Employment Fluctuations in Dynamic General Equilibrium Models”


No. 著者 論題
1647 Koji Yasuda
Tomoko Kinugasa
“The effects of longevity and fertility on educational attainment”
1646 Kaori Tembata
Kenji Takeuchi
“Collective decision-making under drought: An empirical study of water resource management in Japan”
1645 Nobuyuki Ito
Kenji Takeuchi
Shunsuke Managi
“Do Battery-Switching Systems Accelerate the Adoption of Electric Vehicles? A Stated Preference Study”
1644 Teng Ma
Kenji Takeuchi
“Technology Choice for Reducing NOx Emissions: An Empirical Study of Chinese Power Plants”
1643 Taro Ikeda “A fractal analysis of US industrial sector stocks”
1642 Ken-ichi Hashimoto
Ryonghun Im
“Asset bubbles, labor market frictions, and R&D-based growth” 
1641 松尾 隆策
山口 三十四
衣笠 智子
“Theoretical Background of Roadside Stations”
1640 衣笠 智子 「農業政策の展望」
“Outlook of agricultural policy in Japan”
1639 Kenichi Mizobuchi
Kenji Takeuchi
“The Rebound Effect in Residential Electricity Use: Evidence from a Propensity Score Matching Estimator”
1638 松尾 隆策
山口 三十四
衣笠 智子
“Historical Development of Roadside Stations in Japan”
1637 Taro Ikeda “Relume: A fractal analysis for the US stock market”
1636 Colin Davis
Ken-ichi Hashimoto 
“Innovation and Manufacturing Offshoring with Fully Endogenous Productivity Growth” 
1635 Masahito Kato “Analyst Recommendation Bias and Brokerage House Shareholding”
1634 Hideaki Tamura
Yoichi Matsubayashi
“Alternative Resolution to the Mehra-Prescott Puzzle: Verification by the Original Data”
1633 Taro Hisamatsu “Robert Torrens and the Classical Theory of Growth”
1632 中野 あい 「職種と賃金」
“Occupation and Wage level”
1631 Chihiro Inaba “The effects of globalization on job choice and unemployment under labor search friction”
1630 Taro Hisamatsu “Constructing a Myth that Ricardo Was the Father of the Ricardian Model of International Trade: A Reconsideration of Torrens’ Principles of Comparative Advantage and Gain-from-trade”
1629 Eric Weese “European Political Boundaries as the Outcome of a Self-Organizing Process”
1628 Francesco Trebbi
Eric Weese
“Insurgency and Small Wars: Estimation of Unobserved Coalition Structures”
1627 Eric Weese
Masayoshi Hayashi
Masashi Nishikawa
“Inefficiency and Self-Determination: Simulation-based evidence from Meiji Japan”
1626 Takao Fujii
Yoichi Matsubayashi
“The Balassa-Samuelson Effect and the Labor Market in Japan: 1977-2008”
1625 Kazuki Hiraga
Masafumi Kozuka
Tomomi Miyazaki
“Public Capital and Asset Prices: Time-series Evidence from Japan”
1624 Tomomi Miyazaki
Haruo Kondoh 
“Local Public Investment and Regional Business Cycle Fluctuations in Japan”
1623 Kentaro Iwatsubo
Tomoki Taishi 
“Quantitative Easing and Liquidity in the Japanese Government Bond Market”
1622 高羅 ひとみ 「時間とリスク選好の異質性があるもとでの連結契約の理論」
“Theory of interlinkage with preference heterogeneity for time and risk”
1621 中野 あい 「生活習慣、心身のストレスと職場環境」
“Lifestyle, Mental and Physical Stress and the Work Environment”
1620 Qingji Wu “Calone Intake Smoothing in China”
1619 中野 あい 「資格専門職と賃金」
“Qualified Professional Occupations and the Wage level”
1618 芦谷 政浩 「荒尾競馬における、勝馬投票券市場の効率性の決定要因」
“On the efficiency of the betting market of Arao city horse race”
1617 Minoru Watanabe “Minimum Wage, Economic Growth and Preference for Consumption”
1616 Teruyoshi Kobayashi
Naoki Masuda
“Fragmenting networks by targeting collective influencers at a mesoscopic level”
1615 Taro Hisamatsu “Thomas Robert Malthus and His Unrealized Edition of Adam Smith’s The Wealth of Nations”
1614 Keiya Minamimura
Daishin Yasui
“From Physical to Human Capital Accumulation: Effects of Mortality Changes”
1613 春山 鉄源 「異質企業による特許レースとその応用」
“A Patent Race of Heterogeneous Firms and Its Application”
1612 Ana Sanchez
Tomoko Kinugasa
“Technical Efficiency in Cuba: an Empirical Approach to the Agriculture Sector”
1611 Hiroyuki Ijiri
Yoichi Matsubayashi
“Quantitative Easing Policy, Exchange Rates and Business Activity by Industry in Japan from 2001-2006”
1610 海野 晋悟
地主 敏樹
“Challenges for the Japanese Local Banks in face of Large-Scale Natural Disasters”
1609 Teng Ma
Kenji Takeuchi
“Controlling SO2 emissions in China: A panel data analysis of the 11th Five-Year Plan”
1608 Tomomi Miyazaki “Interactions between Regional Public and Private Investment: Evidence from Japanese Prefectures”
1607 Takashi Shimizu “Cheap Talk with an Exit Option: A Model of Exit and Voice”
1606 中川 雅嗣 「経営安定対策における小麦・大豆の生産技術構造」
“Structure of the production engineering of wheat and the soybean in measures stable management”
1605 渡邉 稔 “Minimum wage, Health investment and Economic growth”
1604 檜 康子
増田 淳矢
“Has Age-Wage Profile Changed? : Using the Prefectural Panel Data”
1603 Takashi Miyazaki
Shigeyuki Hamori
“The determinants of a simultaneous crash in gold and stock markets: An ordered logit approach”
1602 Mariko Hatase
Yoichi Matsubayashi
“Does government promote or hinder capital accumulation? Evidence from Japan’s high-growth era”
1601 Cao Thi Khanh Nguyet 「ベトナム中小企業における正規金融アクセスの実証分析」


No. 著者 論題
1533 Shugo Yamamoto “Banking Network Amplification Effects on Cross-Border Bank Flows”
1532 滝川 好夫 「資本主義のゆくえ:金融経済危機をめぐるケインズ、賀川、ピケティの鼎談」
“Where is Capitalism going? : Keynes, Kagawa, and Piketty”
1531 Naoya Sueishi “A Simple Derivation of the Efficiency Bound for Conditional Moment Restriction Models”
1530 Miwa Nakai
Keiko Yamaguchi
Kenji Takeuchi
“Can SRI Funds Better Resist Global Financial Crisis? Evidence from Japan”
1529 Teruyoshi Kobayashi “Trend-driven information cascades on random networks”
1528 Taro Hisamatsu
Marcelo Fukushima
“Sir Edward West and the 1815 Corn Law Debate”
1527 Colin Davis
Ken-ichi Hashimoto
“Corporate Tax Policy and Industry Location with Fully Endogenous Productivity Growth”
1526 三竝 康平 「中国における政府と結びついた自主イノベーションにかんする実証分析」
“The Effect of Political Connections on Innovation Output: An Empirical Study in China”
1525 松尾 隆策
山口 三十四
“Econometric Factor Analysis for Improving the Business of Roadside Stations”
1524 Taro Hisamatsu “Robert Torrens and the Say-Mill Law of Markets”
1523 Yuichi Ishimura
Kenji Takeuchi
“Spatial Distribution of Disposal Sites: Empirical Evidence from Japan”
1522 Ana Maria Takahashi
Shingo Takahashi
Thomas Maloney
“Gender salary and promotion gaps in Japanese academia: Results from science and engineering”
1521 Chihiro Inaba “Multi-dimensional skills and matching: implications for international trade and wage inequality”
1520 Kenichi Mizobuchi
Kenji Takeuchi
“Replacement or Additional Purchase: The Impact of Energy-Efficient Appliances on Household Electricity Saving”
1519 Yajing Liu “Trade Credit in China: Panel Evidence-based on the Survey of Industrial Enterprises”
1518 Yajing Liu “The productivity of Industrial firms and financial efficiency in China”
1517 呉 青姫 「中国農村におけるリスクシェアリング-医療保険制度を中心として-」
“Risk Sharing in Rural China: focusing on the medical insurance”
1516 田村 英朗
松林 洋一
“Income Uncertainty and Household Consumption : @Empirical Evidence with Survey of Household Economy”
1515 Masafumi Kozuka “Exchange Rate, Marginal q and Investment Behavior of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Japan: Time Series Evidences of Manufacturing Industries”
1514 小塚 匡文
藤井 隆雄
“Investment Motive and Tobin’s q: Verification by Granger’s Causality test”
1513 Akio Namba
Kazuhiro Ohtani
“MSE Performance of the Weighted Average Estimators Consisting of Shrinkage Estimators”
1512 Wang Chen
Shigeyuki Hamori
Takuji Kinkyo
“Financial Development and Financial Openness Nexus: The Precondition of Banking Competition”
1511 小林 美樹 「女性の就業と育児に関する実証分析」
“Analysis of Female Labour Supply and Childcare”
1510 Fujio Takata “Two Movement Patterns under the Balanced Budget Rule-Further Results”
1509 中川 雅嗣 「東アジアとASEAN諸国の農業における全要素生産性のWindow Malmquist指数による分析」
“Window Malmquist index analysis of agricultural total factor productivity in East Asia and the ASEAN”
1508 Tomomi Miyazaki “Fiscal Stimulus Effectiveness in Japan: Evidence from Recent Policies”
1507 Tomoko Hashino “Luxury Market and Survival: Japan’s Traditional Kimono Weaving Industry after the 1950s”
1506 Takashi Miyazaki
Shigeyuki Hamori
“Linkages among East Asian stock markets, US financial market stress, and gold: A structural VAR approach”
1505 山岡 順太郎
小林 美樹
“Analysis of Worker’s Mental Health and Working Environment”
1504 Tetsugen Haruyama “Economic Growth, Patent Race, and the Distribution of R&D Firms”
1503 山岡 順太郎
小林 美樹
“Worker’s Mental Health and Life Style”
1502 Charles D. Brummitt
Teruyoshi Kobayashi
“Cascades in multiplex financial networks with debts of different seniority”
1501 Tomoko Hashino
Keijiro Otsuka
“The Rise and Fall of Industrialization and Changing Labor Intensity: The Case of Export-Oriented Silk Weaving District in Modern Japan”


No. 著者 論題
1431 Ken-ichi Hashimoto
Ryonfun Im
“Bubbles and unemployment in an endogenous growth model”
1430 Shoichi Sasaki “An empirical analysis of the effect of the aggravated male employment environment on female marriage behavior in Japan”
1429 Ana Maria Takahashi
Shingo Takahashi
“Gender Promotion Differences in Economics Departments in Japan: A Duration Analysis”
1428 Nannan Yuan
Shigeyuki Hamori
Wang Chen
“House Prices and Stock Prices: Evidence from a Dynamic Heterogeneous Panel in China”
1427 Nannan Yuan
Shigeyuki Hamori
“Are government interventions effective in regulating China’s house prices?”
1426 Wanjun Yao
Han Wu
Tomoko Kinugasa
“Financial Development and Economic Convergence in China in Transition: New Evidence from Considering Asset Price Inflation, based on Systematic Analysis”
1425 Tetsugen Haruyama “The Cleansing Effect of R&D Subsidies”
1424 Ana Maria Takahashi “Job-related stress in academia: the role of relative deprivation, hours worked for different tasks, and children”
1423 Ai Nakano “The Relationship between Mental Health and Self-rated Health in Older Adults”
1422 Hideaki Tamura
Yoichi Matsubayashi
“A New Solution to the Equity Premium Puzzle and the Risk-Free Rate Puzzle: Theory and Evidence”
1421 Masafumi Kozuka “Service Expenditure and Intertemporal Elasticity of Substitution in Japan”
1420 檜 康子 「1990年代以降の雇用調整行動とその変化」
“Employment Adjustment of Japanese Firms: Trends and Changes since the Early 1990s”
1419 Taro Hisamatsu “Thomas Robert Malthus and His 1798 Theory of Oscillationas”
1418 Taiji Hagiwara
Yoichi Matsubayashi
“Capital Accumulation, Vintage and Productivity: The Japanese Experience”
1417 Fumihiro Yamane
Kyohei Matsushita
Toshio Fujimi
Hideaki Ohgaki
Kota Asano
“A Simple Way to Elicit Subjective Ambiguity: Application to Low-dose Radiation Exposure in Fukushima”
1416 Tomomi Miyazaki “Fiscal Policy Effectiveness in Japan: Experiences from Recent Policies”
1415 岡田 修一 「都市人口の計量的研究」
“Empirical research on urban population”
1414 Shinya Kato
Kenji Takeuchi
“A CGE Analysis on a Rate-based Policy for Climate Change Mitigation”
1413 Yuichi Ishimura
Kenji Takeuchi
Fredrik Carlsson
“YIMBY or NIMBY? Municipalities’ reaction to disaster waste from the Great East Japan Earthquake”
1412 Ibrahim Alhulail
Kenji Takeuchi
“Effects of Tax Incentives on Sales of Eco-Friendly Vehicles: Evidence from Japan”
1411 Masafumi Kozuka “Marginal q and Firms’ Capital Investments: Evidence from Time Series Data of Japanese Manufacturing Industries”
1410 Masafumi Kozuka “Policy Duration Effects, Quantitative Monetary Easing Policy and Economic Growth: Evidence from Japanese Time Series Data”
1409 Daishin Yasui “A Theory of the Cross-Sectional Fertility Differential: Jobs’ Heterogeneity Approach”
1408 Colin Davis
Ken-ichi Hashimoto
“Industry Concentration, Knowledge Diffusion, and Economic Growth Without Scale Effects”
1407 Tomomi Miyazaki “Fiscal Reform and Fiscal Sustainability: Evidence from Australia and Sweden”
1406 安髙 優司 「地域格差問題に関する議論の動向」
“Trends of Study on Regional Disparities”
1405 Hiroshi Goto
Keiya Minamimura
“Fertility, Regional Demographics, and Economic Integration”
1404 中野 あい 「就業女性と育児ストレス」
1403 中野 あい 「公的年金収入が高齢者の主観的健康状態に与える影響」
1402 山岡 順太郎
小林 美樹
「労働者の『心の健康』と労働生活 ‐JGSSデータによる実証分析‐」
“Worker’s Mental Health and Conditions of Working Life”
1401 Shoichi Sasaki “An empirical analysis of the effect of increasing male wage inequality on female marriage behavior in Japan”


No. 著者 論題
1315 Teruyoshi Kobayashi “A model of financial contagion with variable asset returns may be replaced with a simple threshold model of cascades”
1314 Miwa Nakai
Tomonori Honda
Nariaki Nishino
Kenji Takeuchi
“An Experimental Study on Motivations for Socially Responsible Investment”
1313 松尾 祐作 「『道の駅』行政にみる内発的発展政策とその効果」
“The Effect of the Subsidy Granted for the “Roadside Stations” Based on the Endogenous Development Policy”
1312 Yuki Yamamoto
Kenji Takeuchi
Gunnar Köhlin
“What Factors Promote Peatland Fire Prevention? Evidence from Central Kalimantan, Indonesia”
1311 岩壷 健太郎 「金先物市場の流動性と効率性-夜間立会時間延長の効果-」
“Liquidity and Efficiency in the Gold Futures Market- The Effects of Night Session Extension -“
1310 Fujio Takata “Multiple Steady States under the Balanced Budget Rule- a Generalization”
1309 田中 康秀 「勤続年数と学歴間賃金格差について―大卒と高卒の賃金格差を中心にして―」
“An Analysis of Relationships between Employment Tenure and Wage Differentials by Educational Attainment Level in Japan”
1308 中西 敏之 「アジア市場の獲得は企業収益を向上させるか?―機械器具4業種における研究開発投資とアジア市場―」
“Does the Acquisition of Asian Market Improve Corporate Profits? -Asian Market and R&D Investment in four Machine Apparatus Industries-“
1307 Teruyoshi Kobayashi “Network versus portfolio structure in financial systems”
1306 Taro Ikeda “Asymmetric forecasting and commitment policy in a robust control problem”
1305 春山 鉄源 「R&D生産性の異なる企業によるパテント・レース」
“A Model of Patent Race When Firms Are Heterogeneous”
1304 Sawako Maruyama “The structure and the determinants of the trade of SME products”
1303 Tomoko Hashino
Keijiro Otsuka
“Expansion and Transformation of the Export-Oriented Silk Weaving District: The Case of Fukui in Japan from 1890 to 1919”
1302 芦谷 政浩 「佐賀競馬における裁定機会の出現頻度」
“The frequency of arbitrage opportunities in Saga city horse racing”
1301 Masahiro Ashiya “Lock! Risk-Free Arbitrage in the Japanese Racetrack Betting Market”


No. 著者 論題
1224 Masako Kimura
Daishin Yasui
“Public Policy and the Income-Fertility Relationship in Economic Development”
1223 Taro Hisamatsu “Malthus’s Criticism of Adam Smith and Dynamic Mechanism of Population in the First Edition Principle of Population”
1222 Sawako Maruyama “Regional coordination and its background: Should Kansai be heading for regional coordination like Västra Götaland?”
1221 衣笠 智子
山口 三十四
中川 雅嗣
Empirical Analysis on Rural-Urban Interchanges and Agricultural Development Policy in Nose Town, Japan
1220 Shinjiro Miyazawa “Privatization in a mixed oligopoly: Productivity, market concentration, and the optimal degree of privatization”
1219 岡田 修一
衣笠 智子
山口 三十四
“Research on Minimal Efficient Scale of Municipality and Regional Peculiarity”
1218 Daishin Yasui “Adult Longevity and Growth Takeoff”
1217 Masahiko Yoshii “Comparison of Effects of the Global Financial Crisis: Romanian and Latvian cases”
1216 Taro Ikeda “Three Essays on Robustness and Asymmetries in Central Bank Forecasting”
1215 Yoichi Matsubayashi
Takao Fujii
“Substitutability of Savings by Sectors: OECD Experiences”
1214 Colin Davis
Ken-ichi Hashimoto
“R&D Subsidies, International Knowledge Dispersion, and Fully Endogeneous Productivity Growth”
1213 Teruyoshi Kobayashi “Diversity among banks may increase systemic risk”
1212 小林 美紀 「所得不平等と家族形成―男性未婚化の要因分析―」
“Income Inequality and Family Formation: Analysis of Unmarried Men”
1211 小葉 武史
壷内 慎二
“An Empirical Analysis of the Role of Relationship Banking ? Can the Relationship Banking Substitute the Role of Policy Finance?”
1210 小葉 武史
本多 康作
“An Empirical Verification of the Selection Hypothesis and the 50 Percent Rule. – Evidence from the Lawsuits against Layoffs in Japan”
1209 Yuki Yamamoto
Kenji Takeuchi
Takayoshi Shinkuma
“Are There Price Premiums for Certified Wood? Empirical Evidence from Log Auction Data in Japan”
1208 Taro Ikeda “Nowcasting Taylor rule and relative asymmetry”
1207 Nobuyuki Ito
Kenji Takeuchi
Shunsuke Managi
“Willingness to pay for the infrastructure investments for alternative fuel vehicles”
1206 Kenichi Mizobuchi
Kenji Takeuchi
“The Influences of Economic and Psychological Factors on Energy-Saving Behavior: A Field Experiment in Matsuyama, Japan”
1205 三谷 直紀
小塩 隆士
“Japanese Employment System and Wage Structure”
1204 Miwa Nakai
Keiko Yamaguchi
Kenji Takeuchi
“Sustainability membership and stock price: an empirical study using the Morningstar-SRI Index”
1203 Takehiro Usui
Kenji Takeuchi
“Evaluating Unit-Based Pricing of Residential Solid Waste: A Panel Data Analysis”
1202 Norikazu Takami “The Sanguine Science: Historical Contexts of Pigou’s Welfare Economics”
1201 高見 典和 「楽観的な科学:ピグー厚生経済学の歴史的文脈」
“The Sanguine Science: Historical Contexts of Pigou’s Welfare Economics”


No. 著者 論題
1122 勇上 和史
森本 敦志
「企業の『歴史』は賃金の決定要因か? 企業‐労働者マッチングデータによる検証」
“Is the firm’s history a determinant of wage? Evidence from matched employer-employee data in Japan”
1121 Tomoko Hashino
Keijiro Otsuka
“From Smithian Growth to Schumpeterian Development: An Inquiry into the Development of the Kiryu Weaving District in the Early 20th Century Japan”
1120 Kentaro Iwatsubo
Ian W. Marsh
“Order Flows, Fundamentals and Exchange Rates”
1119 山本 周吾 「東日本大震災による電力不足と日本経済―符号制約VARによる節電と電力供給削減の生産・雇用への影響―」
“The impact of electricity shortages on Japanese economy: A structural VAR analysis with sign restrictions”
1118 Kazuhiko Hashimoto
Hiroki Saitoh
“Strategy-Proof Rules for an Excludable Public Good”
1117 Keiko Yamaguchi
Kenji Takeuchi
“Consumer Preferences for Less Packaging: A Stated Preference Study”
1116 Kentaro Iwatsubo
Satoshi Kawanishi
“The Information Improving Channel of Exchange Rate Intervention: How Do Official Announcements Work?”
1115 Masahiko Yoshii “The South and Eastern European Economy as a periphery of the EU, and their cross border economic cooperation”
1114 Noritsugu Nakanishi “Farsightedly Stable FTA Structures”
1113 Tomoko Hashino
Takafumi Kurosawa
“Beyond Marshallian Agglomeration Economies: The Roles of the Local Trade Association in a Meiji Japan Weaving District (1868–1912)”
1112 Kazuaki Okamura “The Signalling Role of Promotions in Japan”
1111 Yuki Yamamoto
Kenji Takeuchi
“Estimating the Break-Even Price for Forest Protection in Central Kalimantan”
1110 Kazuhiko Hashimoto
Hiroki Saitoh
“Strategy-Proof and Fair Mechanism in Shapley-Scarf Economies”
1109 Tomomichi Mizuno
Kazuhiro Takauchi
Takeshi Iida
“Better technology may be sold for a lower fee: The ad valorem tariff and licensing contract”
1108 小塚 匡文
平賀 一希
藤井 隆雄
「公共投資の各産業投資行動への影響について-Factor Augmented VARを用いた検証-」
“The Effects of Fiscal Policy on Sectoral Investment: A Factor-Augmented VAR Approach”
1107 Colin Davis
Ken-ichi Hashimoto
“Productivity Growth and Patterns of Industry Location Without Scale Effects”
1106 Colin Davis
Ken-ichi Hashimoto
“Patterns of Technology, Industry Concentration, and Productivity Growth Without Scale Effects”
1105 溝渕 健一
竹内 憲司
“Electricity Saving in Households after the Eastern Japan Earthquake”
1104 藤井 隆雄
林 史明
入谷 純
「賦課方式の年金について ー基礎給付拡大の資本蓄積、効率性、そして分配の公平性への効果ー」
“On Effects of Unfunded Pension -a comparative dynamic analysis-“
1103 Tamotsu Nakamura
Hiroyuki Takami
“Increases in non-regular employment and wage inequalities: A dynamic general equilibrium analysis”
1102 Teruyoshi Kobayashi
Ichiro Muto
“A note on expectational stability under non-zero trend inflation”
1101 中野 あい 「夫の労働時間と妻の就業行動」
“A Husband’s Working Hours and a Wife’s Labor Force Participation”


No. 著者 論題
1019 Wenjun Liu
Tomokazu Nomura
Shoji Nishijima
“Gender Discrimination and Firm Profit Efficiency: Evidence from Brazil”
1018 Miwa Nakai
Keiko Yamaguchi
Kenji Takeuchi
“Are SRI Funds More Resilient towards the Global Financial Crisis?”
1017 藤井 隆雄
江口 允崇
“The Substitutability between Private and Government Consumption”
1016 山本 裕基
竹内 憲司
「気候変動緩和策としてのREDD+ の役割」
“The Role of REDD+ as a Climate Change Mitigation Policy”
1015 Kenji Azetsu
Seiji Yamada
“Package licenses in patent pools with basic and optional patents”
1014 Kazuhiko Hashimoto
Hiroki Saitoh
“Strategy-Proof Cost Sharing under Increasing Returns: Improvement of the Supremal Welfare Loss”
1013 Kazuhiro Takauchi “Rules of Origin and Strategic Choice of Compliance”
1012 春井 久志
岩壷 健太郎
“Monetary Policy and Financial Conditions Index”
1011 藤井 隆雄
林 史明
入谷 純
“On Effects of Pension – a comparative dynamic analysis -“
1010 Yoichi Matsubayashi “Budget Deficits and Current Account in Japan and the U.S.: An Empirical Evidence on the Twin Deficits Hypothesis”
1009 Satoshi Myojo
Yuichiro Kanazawa
“On Asymptotic Properties of the Parameters of Differentiated Product Demand and Supply Systems When Demographically-Categorized Purchasing Pattern Data are Available”
1008 Takeshi Iida
Kenji Takeuchi
“Policy-Induced Environmental Technology Transfer”
1007 Jarko Fidrmuc
Taro Ikeda
Kentaro Iwatsubo
“Financial Integration and International Transmission of Business Cycles: Evidence from Dynamic Correlations”
1006 Toru Kikuchi “The Dixit-Stiglitz-Krugman Trade Model: A Geometric Note”
1005 Taro Ohdoko
Yuji Arai
Takahiro Tsuge
Yasushi Shoji
“Contingent Ranking for Autumn Trekking Behavior with Professional Guidance in Oze National Park”
1004 Taro Ohdoko
Kentaro Yoshida
“Heterogeneous Preference for Forest Ecosystem Management Focused on Species Richness in Japan”
1003 Taro Ohdoko
Satoru Komatsu
Shinji Kaneko
“Benefit Transfers with Latent Class Models: Air Pollution Risk Management of Power Plants in China”
1002 Toru Kikuchi
Ngo Van Long
“A Decomposition of the Home-Market Effect”
1001 Toru Kikuchi 
Ngo Van Long
“A Decomposition of Ricardian Trade Gains under External Economies of Scale”