Rokko Forum


The Rokko forum is our seminar series for academic interactions. The regular Rokko forum is a bi-weekly regular seminar series usually held on the second and fourth Wednesday afternoons. We also hold other Rokko forums irregularly often, showing our vibrant academic activities.

Code of Conduct

This seminar series is to provide equal opportunity for every participant to exchange academic knowledge. Any behavior against this aim such as disturbance, harassment, or discrimination will not be tolerated. This includes but is not limited to, making noise, excess frequency or length of speech or writing in the chat box, unwelcome attention, violence, bullying, stalking, disclosing someone’s private information without their agreement, verbal abuse without respecting others, prejudicial behavior based on gender, race or any other individual attributes, sexual advances or jokes. Individuals violating this policy in offline or online meetings will be subject to action such as a ban from the seminar series.